அகாடமி ஆஃப் தொழில் முனைவோர் இதழ்



What Factors Do Satisfy Employees of SME Business Sector? A Study On A Developing Economy.

Atikur Rahaman, Tazin Ahmed, Aman Gupta, Rupali Dilip Taru, A.R.S. Ibn Ali and Julfikar Ali

The current study aims to examine the effect of work environment, and remuneration job satisfaction of SME employees in Bangladesh. The study applied non-probability sampling method to collect the data. 240 SME employees were given with the survey questionnaire and 202 responses were found correct, indicating 84% response rate (n=202). The study also captured basic and demographic information of the SME employees such their age, gender, employment period and marital status. Latest version of SPSS software was used to test the hypotheses. 5% significance level was used to test the study hypotheses. Based on hypotheses, the conceptual model of the research was also proposed. The regression results show that all the two independent variables: work environment, and remuneration have significant effect of employee job satisfaction in SME business sector in Bangladesh. Human resource managers will find the study findings helpful to develop their policy to satisfy and retain their existing employees at workplace.
