அகாடமி ஆஃப் ஸ்ட்ராடஜிக் மேனேஜ்மென்ட் ஜர்னல்



The State of the Russian Pharmaceutical Market from the Beginning of the Sanctions War to the Pandemic

Danil A. Zyukin, Tatyana A. Oleinikova, Alla I. Ovod, Natalya M. Sergeevam, Elena V. Reprintseva, Olga V. Vlasova

 The paper analyzes the state of the Russian pharmaceutical market between 2014 and 2019, after the start of the sanctions war until the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Russian pharmaceutical market trends were examined in physical and value terms, and the market structure was explored in terms of its major sectors. The period under discussion was selected in view of the current political and socio-economic transformations taking place in Russia. No significant structural changes were shown to have occurred in the Russian pharmaceutical market over the past six years despite the sanctions. The total value of the market is growing, which is due, among other things, to medicinal drug price increases and the depreciation of the local currency in recent years. The situation in the Russian pharmaceutical industry on the eve of the global COVID-19 pandemic can be described as stable and reflecting the latest trends in the development of the industry under consideration.