அகாடமி ஆஃப் தொழில் முனைவோர் இதழ்



The Effects of Performance Assessment on Mathematics Learning Outcomes

I Made Bawa Mulana, I Made Candiasa, I Nyoman Jampel, Ketut Suma

This study aims at examining the effect of performance assessment implementation on mathematics learning outcomes viewed from the cognitive style by controlling the mathematical logical intelligence. It was conducted on public high school students in Buleleng district using an experimental method with treatment by level 2 × 2. The samples were 144 science-majored tenth graders chosenwith random sampling technique. The data were analyzed by univariate covariance analysis using IBM SPSS 24.0 for Windows with the significance level ()=0.05. The results show that 1) students who learned with performance assessment showedhigherlearning outcome than thoselearning with conventional assessment, 2) there was an influence of the interaction between the assessment model and the cognitive style on the mathematics learning outcomes, 3) forstudents with field independent cognitive style,those who learned with performance assessment performed better than the ones learningwith conventional assessment, and 4) for students with field independent cognitive style, those who learnedwith performance assessment had lower learning outcomes than those learning with conventional assessments. The findings indicate that performance assessment and cognitive style had a significant effect on mathematics learning outcomes, after controlling the mathematical logical intelligence.
