அகாடமி ஆஃப் ஸ்ட்ராடஜிக் மேனேஜ்மென்ட் ஜர்னல்



Synergy and Competency of Labor and Management in Handling Dangerous Goods with Game Theory Approach

Prasadja Ricardianto, Ivan Sulistiana, Sarinah Sihombing, Sri Rahardjo, Zaenal Abidin, Sita Aniisah Sholihah, Wynd Rizaldy, Muhammad Rifni, Heri Subagyo, Tri Iriani Eka Wahyuni

This study aims to explain the phenomenon of synergity and competency between management and workers in the process of handling explosive goods in the Dahana Marunda Explosives Warehouse at North Jakarta, Indonesia. Game theory is used to explain the differences in competencies between workers and warehouse management who must work hand in hand in handling dangerous goods. Using qualitative research methods, primary data are collected through observation and interview instruments, while secondary data were obtained from documents related to handling explosives which are then analyzed inductively.

The results of this study expose: First, handling dangerous goods includes warehouse functions, types of explosives, sending and receiving explosives, as well as the loading, licensing and storage of explosives. Second, labor synergity and warehouse management shows a pattern of group collaboration in which problem solving, decision making, differences in values blend into one cohesiveness. Third, the competency of the labor team and the warehouse management is seen based on the competency criteria and factors that affect competencies that are different but synergize with each other. Fourth, based on the analysis from the perspective of game theory, differences in competencies do not necessarily result in disputes between workers and warehouse management in handling explosives, on the contrary the labor and warehouse teams maintain mutual synergy by prioritizing teamwork, common vision-mission and standard procedures for handling explosives.
