அகாடமி ஆஃப் தொழில் முனைவோர் இதழ்



Sustainability in the Economic Environmental and Social Dimensions and the Relationship With Social Responsibility Indicators

Marli Terezinha Vieira, Graziela Oste G. Cremonezi, Valéria Elias Rueda Spers, Ana Lúcia Medeiros and Aracelis Góis Morales Rigolid

This article aims to address sustainability in the economic, environmental and social dimensions and the relationship with social indicators of responsibility. Thus, in the dimensions of responsibility, priority is given to the preservation of life as opposed to obtaining profit at any price. Following, we seek to analyze the economic dimension that treats sustainability as an essential element for organizations to have economic results demonstrated by the efficiency and effectiveness of the business in a transparent and ethical manner. The environmental dimension focuses on the use of natural resources, avoiding the negative impacts of activities. The social dimension is evidenced by the spread of actions that bring development to the place as a way of generating employment and income. Thus, based on the consulted literature, a map of social sustainability indicators was constructed as a way to discuss elements for the operationalization, monitoring and evaluation of socially responsible actions in a sustainable manner in organizations.
