சட்டம், நெறிமுறை மற்றும் ஒழுங்குமுறை சிக்கல்களின் இதழ்



Legal Protection for Contract Marriage Victims in Indonesia

Henny Nuraeny, Kuswandi

Marriage is an inner bond between men and women to form a happy and harmonious family, which is carried out in accordance with the rules. In fact, not all marriages are conducted in accordance with applicable laws. Some marriages are carried out with the aim of deviating from regulations, such as temporary marriage contracts. Contract marriages are carried out in various ways. This method is one way to avoid adultery accusations in terms of religion. In terms of law, it is included in trafficking. The most disadvantaged party in this marriage are victims, who are usually women. Therefore, legal regulations are needed that specifically can prevent and minimize the occurrence of temporary marriages. The point is to protect victims, and punish perpetrators. This paper seeks to analyze descriptively the problems that arise related to temporary marriage and its impact on victims, the rules needed to ensnare violators of marriage contract law and forms of legal and social protection that are appropriate for victims.