அகாடமி ஆஃப் ஸ்ட்ராடஜிக் மேனேஜ்மென்ட் ஜர்னல்



Information and Communication Support Model of Economic Security of Housing and Communal Services Consumers: International Experience and Domestic Practice

Tetiana Momot, Yevhen Muraiev, Ksenia Savenko, Galina Shapoval, Nataliia Chekh

The paper deals with the role consumers of housing and communal services to induce communication for managerial decisions optimization on the housing and communal sphere functioning in the condition of lack of openness and accessibility of information resources for the consumer. The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of the state information and communication system on the provision of economic security of housing and communal services consumers in terms of communication as an effective component of protecting consumers' economic interests in the process of production and/or provision of services, as well as in local authority’s decision making on the functioning and development of housing and communal services. The objectives of the study are the following: to examine the current experience of information provision in the system of interaction between executive bodies of local self-government, enterprises providing/producing housing and communal services with consumers at the level of the administrative-territorial entity: to analyze the sources, channels and levels of access to information on the example of Kharkiv: on the basis of the study of present domestic practice of information sharing of executive bodies of Ukrainian local authorities to discover the weaknesses in the information provision, lack of a dialogue system and trained personnel, absence of scientific approaches and methodological. In particular, taking into account the basic principles of the communicative policy of the leading countries, it has been proposed to form a fundamentally new for Ukraine information and communicative model of relations between consumers and local authorities and producers/providers of services aimed at ensuring economic security of housing and communal services consumers. During the research the following methods were used: abstract-logical analysis, theoretical generalization, systemic and statistical analysis, systemic and statistical analysis, graphical method. The following results were obtained: we proved that the implementation of information and communication support will increase, on the one hand, consumer awareness in the procedural processes of the development and provision of housing and communal services, and on the other hand, the awareness of local authorities about the direct needs of the consumers. The result of the implementation of the development is risk reduction of the poor-quality of housing and communal services, or providence not in full extent and, accordingly, the increase of the level of economic security of housing and communal services consumers. Within the scope of framework of the analysis of the current trends in the development of information and communication support and transformation processes in housing and communal services, it has been proposed to consider housing and communal services consumers as active participant, the expressers of the state of a certain community, a group of people, united by a common interest that have an impact on the course of economic processes, and require consideration when making managerial decisions. The role, functions and methods of communication in the process of elaboration and implementation of decisions by the local self-government bodies in relation to the housing and communal services of the city, starting with the development of measures, planning of expenditures in the sector “Housing and communal services”, ending with control over the implementation of approved measures and expenditures have been determined. The perspective direction of further research will be the development of structural and organizational, personnel, functional aspects of the communication component of ensuring the economic security of consumers. The special attention should be given to the introduction and use of technological capabilities of digitalization for generating, processing, transmitting, storing and visualizing information in the frame of model of communication in the process of economic security support of HCS consumers.