சட்டம், நெறிமுறை மற்றும் ஒழுங்குமுறை சிக்கல்களின் இதழ்



Gumaa: The Oromo Indigenous Conflict Resolution Mechanism; Practices and Prospects: Focus on the Oromo of Ilu and Bunno, South Western Ethiopia

Lemessa Wakgari, Balina Fufa, Busha Taye

The main purpose of this study was to explore the practices and prospects of guma conflict resolution among the Oromo of Ilu Abba Bor and Bunno. In this case, qualitative design of ethnographic study was employed where analysis was conducted using sentences and expression. In data collection interview, FGD and document analysis were employed. As a result, the findings of the study were illustrated as follows. First of all, Oromo of Ilu and Bunno have been practicing guma conflict resolution mechanism in their by inculcating in their Gada System us they inherited from their ancestors. Secondly, the tradition had been banned by former Ethiopian conquers especially following the introduction of Minilik II forces to the region. However, since the Oromo Gada values are highly deep-rooted in the life of the Oromo the rulers couldn’t totally untie Gada values. Likewise, since few years following the registration of Oromo Gada System to UNESCO Gada Values has been in revival. To conclude, guma is a complete customary peace making mechanism where elders take the lions share. Similarly, in the process all community including artisans participates. To recommend, researchers, Culture and Tourism experts, and society to contribute their own share in order to regenerate the reconciliation practices.