தொழில் முனைவோர் கல்வி இதழ்



Development of an Assessment Instrument of Affective Domain for Entrepreneurship in Senior High School

Ari Saptono, Suparno, Safinatun Najah

This study aims to produce valid and reliable assessment instruments to measure the affective domain of entrepreneurial learning in high school students. Measurement of entrepreneurial education tends to be in the cognitive and psychomotor domains, whereas entrepreneurial attitudes and mentality are fundamental and can be measured on affective domains. With the population of 630 11th grade students in Jakarta entrepreneurial workshop program, with a sample of 210 respondents with a random sampling technique. Limited testing is done, 30 students in the first trial by testing the validity and reliability of Alpha Cronbach and standardizing the instrument to 160 people for the second test to get the value of the validity and reliability of the entrepreneurial assessment instrument, and the third stage test for instrument standardization by measuring consistency, that met the Goodness of Fit criteria. The resulting instrument can be used to assess the affective domain of entrepreneurship learning in high school students, Dimensions entrepreneurial attitude indicators:

1. Business Opportunities: Reading business opportunity, Capturing business opportunities and Leveraging business opportunities.
2. Risks of business: Entrepreneurship failure, Ability to manage time.
3. Innovation: The ability to innovate, Ability to develop business.

Dimensions value of entrepreneurship indicator:

1. Look confident: Be independent, know your abilities.
2. Leadership: Be disciplined, Respect the opinions of others, Ability to find ideas.
3. Future orientation: Motivation for the future, Future planning.
4. Orientation on assignments and results: Accuracy in gathering assignments, working on tasks with your abilities.