அகாடமி ஆஃப் தொழில் முனைவோர் இதழ்



Bay Al Salam as Financing Alternative During Pandemic Outbreak: A Proposal to Indonesia

Kurniati, Sunuwati, Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin, Abdul Syatar

 This paper aims at Promoting Bay Al Salam as Financing Alternative during Pandemic. This research adopted constructive qualitative. Constructive qualitative approaches are used to construct statements based on knowledge perspectives. A qualitative constructive approach is used to explain how to apply the salams financing with the hybird contract approach to be an alternative financing in the agriculture sector and the medical industry. Data sourced from related journals is accompanied by other supporting data. The most interesting finding stated the salam contract was the most appropriate contract during the pandemic for SMEs and farmers because of the certainty of selling goods. In another discovery, salam with the hybrid contract is a solution to mitigate the risks that have been threatened by Islamic banking in Indonesia. The proposed hybrid salam is Bay Al Salam with delegation (wakalah) and Bay Al Salam with partner (syirkah). This paper could be a consideration for the policymaker to enhance regulation on Bay Al Salam innovation and other similar contracts. Sharia banking also can adopt innovative Bay Al Salam as financing products on suitable sectors during a pandemic. Farmers and medical industry stakeholder can grab the opportunity without worrying about the uncertainty of good sales.
